Hi all - converting my C2 projects to C3 - it's worked great, except one game.
It uses Rex Rainbow addon CSV2Array. I installed the C3 version. All good.
But... when I try to open the C2 project, I get an error "The project you are opening uses the following addons that are not installed. Try installing these missing plugins, behaviors and effects and then re-open the project.Plugin CSV to Array (Rex_CSV2Array) by Rex.Rainbow"
But the C3 version IS installed.
Any advice? Any way I can force open the project and tell it to ignore that plugin? Any advice welcome! Thank you.
EDIT: I still can't get C3 to open a C2 project that uses Rex's CSV2Array but I was able to open the project in C2. So I guess I can eliminate where the old uses it and manually recreate it in C3. Not terribly neat but might work. If anyone has any more efficient way to do - please let me know thx!