I was just curious if there's anything any future plans to support plugins that could interact with the editor itself, that could add new features to the editor?
It would be nice if we could add plugins for ease of life improvements to the editor if there was any ability to do so. Some things I had in mind that would be quite neat:
* Animation timeline (Similar to Flash/AfterEffects) Good for making cutscenes etc, animating UI elements and other things.
* Drawing curves/paths/shapes in the layout for objects to follow, or to use as collision boxes/boundaries and or other stuff.
* More advanced transforms to sprite objects. Bend, skew, taper, tilt etc etc.
* Null objects/pivots, and object child/parent structure.
* Simple 3D transforms, similar to CSS transforms.
* Layered sprites. Instead of using two separate sprites on top of each other, adding layers within the sprite object would be nice and handy.
The list goes on, and I have a lot of ideas, that would make C3 even more awesome if the editor itself could be extended as well. So is there any plans for these kind of editor plugins?