I tried multiple times to have success by exporting my project with NWJS, but every time I am getting a black screen.
By pressing the F12 key I am getting following errors:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
workermain.js:5 [C3 runtime] Failed to load all engine scripts in worker: TypeError: Failed to execute 'createObjectURL' on 'URL': Overload resolution failed.
at LoadScripts (workermain.js:2:258)
at InitRuntime (workermain.js:5:264)
at HandleInitRuntimeMessage (workermain.js:1:151)
InitRuntime workermain.js:5
If anyone understands what the above means, please share with me the knowledge.
In the past I had no trouble at all with NWJS exports, but now it does not work anymore. I have tried exporting by using all "minify mode" options and I tried several several NWJS versions as well. But still the result of the export is the same, a black screen.
I tried for testing to export with WEBVIEW2 option, and the game did export successfully.
If anybody can help I would appreciate that.