I was forced to update to the last beta R335 to fix another bug and since I started having a new black screen bug, I spent days trying to debug this black screen that is caused by this error:
"v9" has already been declared
"v7" has already been declared
I delete everything until the error stops so the error seems to come from the Function "Canvas_To_Layer_Tranlate_CordenatesY"
I confirmed this by clicking on the error on the console which shows the C3 js code and the name seems to match the above function name, so it looks like there is a problem with the "Y" parameter inside that function.
The problem now is, even though I manage to delete everything and leave just the events that have the issue, when I save and close and open the project again it doesn't happen again straight away as it's very random.
Also, this seems to confirm more that the Function "Y" parameter is causing the issue as whenever I click any parameter it shows that warning "The Y is already used on this scope".
And again when you close the project and open it doesn't happen right away, everything is super random not sure how to reproduce it so I can open a proper bug.
Video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yicftsvejs0cdm9/Function%20Bug.mp4?dl=0
If I open a bug you will close it as "Can't reproduce" so how can this bug be fixed? as it broke the game with a black screen.
c3p: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2z4pd2qtigqz9d7/2-Function%20BUG.c3p?dl=0