What Best Save System?

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  • So far I've used Construct's own LocalStorage System and I really liked it, but I know it's possible to use json or maybe I even have other systems...

    So I would like to know the opinion of more experienced people.

    Which system do you use and why? do you think json or localstorage is better or worse for some reason or is it something relative..



  • My choice is local storage only.

    If the game is profitable I integrate it additionally saving in the cloud through third-party services that players who have been playing for a long time did not lose progress and did not lower the rating with these complaints.

    All this work with files (eg json) and file system relatively stable work only on PCs and my main market is cell phones.

  • My choice is local storage only.

    If the game is profitable I integrate it additionally saving in the cloud through third-party services that players who have been playing for a long time did not lose progress and did not lower the rating with these complaints.

    All this work with files (eg json) and file system relatively stable work only on PCs and my main market is cell phones.

    Thank you for the feedback igortyhon

  • My choice is local storage only.

    If the game is profitable I integrate it additionally saving in the cloud through third-party services that players who have been playing for a long time did not lose progress and did not lower the rating with these complaints.

    All this work with files (eg json) and file system relatively stable work only on PCs and my main market is cell phones.

    igortyhon, Do you know how long you stay saved? or is it just lost using LocalStorage if the player uninstalls the app?

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  • igortyhon, Do you know how long you stay saved? or is it just lost using LocalStorage if the player uninstalls the app?

    I have not been interested in this issue, on mobile devices definitely more than a month.

    The problem is that some players have all sorts of cleaners and optimizers and they can sometimes clean the records and players then swear.

    Another common problem is that on the web some players use privacy-oriented browsers and then wonder why nothing is saved.

    But even if you do nothing, the percentage of such cases is small, but they are upset and shout the loudest, so on popular games I re-dub the save to the cloud.

  • >

    > igortyhon, Do you know how long you stay saved? or is it just lost using LocalStorage if the player uninstalls the app?

    I have not been interested in this issue, on mobile devices definitely more than a month.

    The problem is that some players have all sorts of cleaners and optimizers and they can sometimes clean the records and players then swear.

    Another common problem is that on the web some players use privacy-oriented browsers and then wonder why nothing is saved.

    But even if you do nothing, the percentage of such cases is small, but they are upset and shout the loudest, so on popular games I re-dub the save to the cloud.

    Thanks for the answer, I'll wait for someone who develops for computers to help me with this question, but your opinion has helped a lot.

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