Android APK - Cannot open

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From the Asset Store
10 Orchestral Soundtracks / ~2 mins each / 11 audio clips in total
  • Hi Friends,

    I just bought C3 and am trying to build my game for my android tablet. I used debug build like in the tutorial by Ashley. I dragged the apk over to the tablet in windows. When I tap on the apk on the device it says it cannot open. I downloaded a third party apk installer app and that works sort of. ( The game is small and doesn't take up full screen) Please excuse my ignorance if this is an easy solution but I havn't been able to find out why it doesn't work.

    Talk soon!


  • Some android devices can be a little awkward to open APK files. How are you trying to open the APK? Using some sort of filesystem app?

  • Hi thanks for responding Bring nepeo!

    I am using an Acer device that was gifted to me. I was just navigating to the settings/ storage and clicking on said apk file.

    I am also using a small sized Acer tablet that was gifted to me. I am quite new to android

  • Hi thanks for responding Bring nepeo!

    I am using an Acer device that was gifted to me. I was just navigating to the settings/ storage and clicking on said apk file.

    I am also using a small sized Acer tablet that was gifted to me. I am quite new to android

    hi, have you enabled from settings to thirdparty app autorization?

  • Thanks for the reply RetroInsight. I did toggle that switch on. Going to have another try today.

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  • copy paste the dropbox URL in any Browser and then try to download the same APK from browser. Open that downloaded APK from File Explorer again

    from aaron

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