Admob Monetization, Google IAP, IntelXDK still works with C3?

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  • Hello guys,

    I am comming after a long long break from C2 to C3 and i am wondering (before buying a C3 license) and asking if Admob monetization Google In App Purchases and Exporting still works with C3 .

    I read that now you can export the game from C3 directly to .apk but are there any bugs (i know it's no more beta).Does uploading to Google Play remained the same? What about the security alerts from my previous games, are they still comming from Google ?

    Does the Admob still work or IAP ( had many problems long time agon on C2).

    Wondering about this becouse i have an ideea of an app and would like to experiment using C3.

    What about JS, are there any bugs when exporting the game ? btw congratulations to the devs for adding this feature! You guys rock!

    Thank you very in advance much for the clarification!


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