3D Navigation in the Editor: Need Suggestions

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A simple Map Editor that where you can edit a map with restriction or totally. You can save and load the map created.
  • I'm eager to explore my scenario in 3D within the editor. Does anyone know of a way or plugin that can assist with this? From what I've gathered from the documentation and discussions on the forums, the engine seems to lean towards 2D. However, a shift to a 3D viewpoint would be a game-changer for scenario design. Appreciate any input.


  • What most people do is do an editor at runtime. The plug-in sdk doesn’t provide enough engine access do allow a free moving 3d camera in the editor.

    One thing that hasn’t been tried yet though is having a plug-in launch its own editor kind of like the sprite editor. It wouldn’t be able to access other objects so it’s more like having an engine within an engine that manages its own sub objects.

  • Appreciate the insight! The idea of a separate window that can run the code and dynamically load changes, much like hotswap, sounds intriguing. I must admit I'm not deeply knowledgeable about the SDK, but the concept seems feasible. The reloading part would be a bit of a hurdle for me.

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  • There’s not too much to the sdk. The idea may not even pan out since you can’t access other objects from the editor portion of a plug-in. Basically all the sdk allows is changing some properties of the current instance, drawing it, and running arbitrary js at some points.

    So realistically you could make your own editor if you can pause the rest of the editor while a modal window was opened, since at that point you can do whatever you like, but there’s basically no interaction with the rest of construct.

    Beyond the sdk everything is hidden with restricted access behind closures and such. And even if a back door could be found that is considered a hack, and it has a high chance or breaking between releases. Not to mention it bothers the devs since they go through great lengths to restrict access to avoid the possibility of rouge code crashing the editor.

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