[SPOILER ALERT] - to those that have not played the game yet, look away from my post!
Forgive me for my bluntness! But here comes some feedback...
- Start - The disclaimer - its quite difficult to read whats going no and it's straining my eyes. I can read it but I would just prefer I never had to again.
- "Press Start Menu" - Maybe some little ambient SFX playing while the guy is running away as the game waits for you to press space to start would be neat.
- Gameplay - I don't like that (it seems) you move at the same speed as the monsters do (That's just personal preference, but then again I guess a lot of this feedback is)
- [SPOILER] - I stopped playing after the cave with the glowy eyes. After I got past him, rocks man. rocks. That upset me. Quit the game right there.
Then came back to right this review, and I'm actually playing it again right now - Maybe a pause button would be nice / since the game doesn't pause on focus loss.
I agree with
paulscottrobson - every time, after the first ladder.. the jump wont register.(I'm sure its cuz im bad and not an in game error or anything) I understand you're most likely going for a difficult platformer, but theres difficult and then theres ******** me off" - Consider adding a 0.10 second delay buffer after not on platform to be able to jump (Almost like falling off the stage on Super Smash Bros? - Also I think the original Super Mario had this? Might be wrong....)
AUGH THAT SECOND JUMP! .... It's pretty hard.
Bug? - I jumped over a monster and got my 100 points :s but still died. - Consider adding a run button next time - so we can get through some of those hard to reach jumps.
Again, I understand your desire to make harder than average games, trust me, I love getting destroyed and coming back again and again until I get it right, but with this I'm just getting aggravated. I got to right before the torch on the wall and died and said... "Well that's enough of that..."
I like how you showed the monsters coming from the caves before they spawned to give the player a heads up, that was pretty cool, and I think the musics fitting.
So basically
-It's not so much "hard" as it is "frustrating"
-Consider a run button and pause, and consider tweaking the jump mechanics next time