The available demo of Metrocity Escape has been updated to version 3.
Nouveautés :
- La démo comporte maintenant 3 niveaux complets
- De nouveaux véhicules ont été ajouté
- Des nouveaux effects visuels, sons et musiques
- Niveau de difficulté légèrement augmenté, les boss ont plus de points de vie
- Meilleur équilibrage du jeu
- Quelques bugs corrigés
The demo is now complete with its 3 levels and the next updates will concern the full game itself. There will be two sequences, the first with 5 levels Shoot'm'up and Runner oriented gameplay, and the second exclusivly Shoot'm'up with 3 levels.
Come and try the game here Metrocity Escape (Itch.io)
Your feedback and suggestions are most welcomed. Wish you'll like it !