Hey everybody,
I just finished my physical multiplayer version of Pong! You control the bat via GPS - by running in the real world. It has single-player but also online real-time two-player mode, so you can grab some beers and play in the park with friends on a sunny day And it's free. Please give me your feedback!
iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/gpspong/id958549512
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dk.basalikum.gpspong
Some notes on the development:
cranberrygame for: admob, powermanagement, Google Analytics, vibration and social sharing.
The C2 native geolocation-plugin works with Intel XDK along with the "org.apache.cordova.geolocation"-plugin.
Nice work!
Thx iceangel and davidto138
looks very polished!
Thank you fldr - i guess
Can I ask what you used for multiplayer?
yes how you done the multiplayer on ios ?
amusing !
Sadly the multiplayer-part was the most difficult, and I wish there was a viable C2-method. But my older brother who is a programmer had to set up a signalR-server and make a C2-integration for that part.
I use websocket server for all of my project
i hate c2's mmp plugin
^^^ What the---???
AkshayKumar = spam
its not working... cant set my name on iOS
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
irina We had to let this project go. We don't have enough time to keep updating it. And in the meanwhile we just made a drinking game https://itunes.apple.com/app/beer-captain-drukspil-gratis/id1005236470?l=da&mt=8 instead