I'm playing on Motorola Moto E 2 (Android 6.0). Performance is very good.
bambo thanks for telling me, thats good to know. So far feedback on performance has been overwhelmingly positive, which is a relief.
It took me a while to complete 6th level. Then I got stuck on the 12th level. I couldn't go through these crazy plants firing from the right side on the third floor. Now I'm on the 14th.
If you are having trouble finding the last chick in a level its probably because it's hiding in a secret area, so look for hidden openings in the walls / floors / ceilings.
Tip: Butterflies tell you if a secret is near
I wonder if it wasn't a good idea to implement some checkpoints (which the game restarts from after death) in harder or longer level so that player wouldn't have to repeat the same things many times till he come to the point that is a challenge for him.
Well the game is meant to be challenging in the way that Super Meat Boy is challenging. For each level you need to remember the location of obstacles and collectables, then use fine control and timing to navigate through the level without dying. So the game is designed specifically to be challenging like that.. Having checkpoints would make it a different kind of game.
Later in the game as the levels get longer the player is able to find shields and armor which give you additional hitpoints, so you dont die instantly. So that gives your more chances to make it through longer levels.
But even though I designed it to be challenging I think I still made it too hard lol! I wonder if anyone has made it to the Castle levels yet? (lev 37+).
Once Ive ironed all the bugs out of Cluckles' Adventure I'm planning to make another platformer that would have checkpoints and the player would start with 3 lives etc..
There's some issue with ads displaying. I can see some of them but quite many times something goes wrong and freezes game and I need to press pause button and restart the game to keep playing.
Ok this is a problem. This bug was reported by another user previously and I thought I had fixed it.
The way it *should* work is, every 8th time the player dies an ad is shown. The first 2 ads will be static ads (like just a static image), the 3rd ad should be a video.
Can you please provide some more detail about this? So it happens on player death, the game doesn't restart? Does anything show on the screen? Like a loading bar as if an advertisement is trying to load?
When you notice this bug is your device connected to the internet or offline? If online are you connected by wi-fi or cellular data?
It's probably more likely to happen if you have a poor internet connection and the ad isn't able to load, but even if an ad fails to load the game shouldn't hang, the level should restart.
Let me know and ill try to fix this in the next update.
I'm about to implement for the first time ads in my game and put it in google store. Could you tell me which ads service and wrapper do you use? Did you follow some instructions which you could give link to?
Yes I am using the Cranberry Cordova plugins for ads, iAP and achievements.
I use the Cordova Chartboost plugin for ads. It was very easy to get it working. You need to set up an account on the Chartboost website.
Im using XDK to build the game, but cocoon.io is also very good. I tested extensively and I can confirm that Cordova Chartboost also works on cocoon.
I dont think there was a specific tutorial I followed to set up the Chartboost plugin but the examples posted by AndreasR are very useful. If you download the 'Cocoon Chartboost' example it demonstrates how to use the Cordova Charboost plugin. Even though he has optimized it for Cocoon you can use it for XDK as well.