It�s finally the time that you�ve all been waiting for! THE BETA IS HERE! The BETA has enhanced upon all previous entries in the following ways:
Added two more playable levels, with their own set of obstacles.
Improved graphics for all Characters, tiles, and many more
Added Gameplay boosts that can be purchased in order to escape easier (But you�ll still die anyways)
Added sound/music
Added level and player effects
Revamped the Level/Character select menu
Added a couple easter eggs (Hint: Collect enough survivors in a round, but only on certain levels)
Overall gameplay tweaks
Tons of bugs crushed
Tweaked difficulty of some levels
Improved stability
All that being said, the game is nearing completion, but it�s still not there yet. We want to hear what you guys have to say. What do you think we could do to improve gameplay, mechanics, and overall fun? Please take our survey here (Or click the survey button on the main menu in the game) and respond to this post or send us an email at:
Things still to come:
More Sound
Changing scoring style to incorporate coins and survivors into high score
Player Suggestions depending on feedback and survey results (BECAUSE WE LISTEN TO THE PLAYERS!)
Please remember to provide feedback VIA survey, email, or response.Click HERE to play the BETA!!!