Hi, I'm Alejandro, I'm from Spain and I speak from google translator member of a small group of html5 application development, we wanted to present our first applications for firefox OS.
You will find Little Habbo and Badians World for 0'25 $ / 0'25 ? in Firefox Marketplace. More titles coming soon.
An Angry Birds style minigame.
As we can see, you can develop games with the same characteristics as these games for Android. Ware version will launch soon.
Badians World: marketplace.firefox.com/app/badians-world
Little Habbo
A game in which we decorate our entrono and chat with other users in real time.
We also develop, games that use webcam options in the future when firefox will be compatible with WebRTC. Also prepared a graphic adventure designed using Iclone 3D graphics engine.