Hi, thanks for your input. Most of the things you mentioned are already in my list under a different "label". Text appearing word by word / instantly / text speed would be contained in the options for text display.
Conversation record would be history.
Point and click elements is contained in keep track of decisions (which kind of includes being able to make decisions usually by clicking buttons).
Navigation would be partly skip function, but I guess there can be additional other navigation tools, too, true.
Different character sprites for different emotions is contained in simply displaying images.
Language support should be doable by adding a language selection layout and loading the appropriate script file (each language will have one, then). It would go to advanced tools, which I think I will not manage to put in below 100 events, but let's see.
For now I thought about the kind of functions I need to do my basic tasks:
character | name | characterid | textcolorR | ~G | ~B | font
# defines a character
choice | decision | add | label | positionx | positiony
# spawn a button that lets you make a choice, if label omitted, it is nonclickable
require | on/off | decision | value
# another tool for flow control
# when "on" the following lines will be ignored, if the value for decision is not equal or greater than value
# when "off" it will turn off the last requirement, that has been imposed
text | characterid | text
# display dialog, maybe we should be able to define default positions like left, right, middle
# /n for newline
# text will display and then wait for user click until it continues
image | imagename | imageid | positionx | positiony | scale
# load a character image
# we will add a transparent image with name clear to visually clear the screen
move | imageid | positionx | positiony | movetime
# will move the image over move time to position x and y
background | imagename
# load a background image
sfx | filename
# will play voice or sfx once
music | on/off | filename
# will loop a piece of music or stop it
anchor | id
# let's you create an anchor (can be the start of a scene, etc.)
goto | id
# let's you jump to an anchor