> -snip-
Yeah you're very right on that (:
My suggestion would be to test out how it would feel to be able to shoot with a separate thumb- while flying with the other one- or maybe have the ship automatically snap to where you're pressing?
This is just my take on it though, and the game might be either better or worse with itterations, but testing something out to make it feel more approachable never hurt (:
Theihe Can't argue with that. I actually experimented with the ship snapping to the players touch, it wasn't something I personally liked as it opened up allot of possibilities for glitching. Though it would be fun as a future power-up that could be added to the prize pool. Something similar might also work well for the bullet giving it an auto fire powerup.
The next beta release we'll be experimenting with new ways of reloading (potentially with a docking platform) which will hopefully free some room on the HUD as right now their isn't enough room for more powerups.
If you folks have any ideas for reloading I'd love to hear them!