Still cranking away!
Bat enemy = bullet and sine behavior. Instance variable (range) checked against player's x and y vs. bat's x and y. When less than, enemy fires. TL;DR = you get close and the bat shoots at you. Basic art; needs to be tweaked.
Hopper enemy. Every 1.5 seconds > emulate jump and pick random jump strength from 50-200. Placeholder art.
Need to bust out one more enemy, possibly a duck and shooter. Potentially going to make some variations on Level 1 enemies too. Hoping to finish up enemies by the end of Feb, then level design along with dialogue scenes.
Still trying to decide how to end Level 2. Level 1 ends with a boss fight but I'm thinking of a puzzle. I know Level 2 closes with a bit of a story dump, so I kind of want to portray a different vibe. We'll see!