my game run so slow

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  • so i just made a hill climb clone (very bad and simple). im pretty sure its simple, yet why is it run so slow on my friend gaming laptop (uncharged) and my phone. 1 level, 12 events, and 65 objects. any info would be appreciated

  • Here are some tips:

    1) Go to the Construct manual, there is a section in Tips and Guides about optimizations

    2) The physics behavior is very CPU intensive so that could be the problem

    3) how is the land being generated? That could be the problem, having too many sprites. Make sure the land despawns offscreen.

  • so i just found the issue, its not about optimizing. its about the fps. i build this game on my pc with 144hz monitor. and whenever i run the game on 60hz device, it run slow. ive searched something about fps and slow speed, people recommend to use dt.i havent tried it, BUT i tried to delete all my event (which i assume is the same cause theres no event) but it still run slow in 60fps

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  • I would recommend using dt, that seems like the best solution. If that doesn't work tell me. (Btw I think there is a tutorial about dt by Ashley)

  • i did read it, but well, im confused to how to apply it in my game. i think its better to give you the file, but i dont see any insert file button here.

  • Upload it to cloud service like google drive or dropbox then permit the link to be shared.

  • UPDATE. so my issues is fixed now thank god. i only need to add stepping mode to framerate independent. anyway, thanks for the answers guys, really appreciate it

  • No problem!

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