Hey guys,
I'm working on a small game called "Fine Tuned!" and I feel like the gameplay is pretty dull... Do you have any idea on how to spruce things up?
(Images and video of the game below)
The game is played on an old tv/radio hybrid where you have to slide your finger on the screen to switch colors and destroy "enemies" by matching their color.
Also, if you have some spare time, I've been wrestling with a bug where the enemies would stop spawning after killing a boss/mini boss (but only sometimes); Could you tell me if the text on screen changes from "a" to "boo" and if the game continues to play as it should or stops abruptly after a boss?
If you don't have time, I'd still like to hear your suggestions regarding gameplay.
Photos and a video: (I can't figure out how to make them smaller, sorry)
WIP Trailer: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m397s997sia99xe/Fine%20Tuned%20TrailerWIP.mp4?dl=0
Download links:
Fine Tuned .apk: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f74dk9ln7qeldcn/Fine%20Tuned%20.apks.zip?dl=0
Fine Tuned .exe: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/d4fdtrwf8uy8sh9/AABdLpaAekT-o33rKAjaeRQaa?dl=0