Hey, do you think you could make a version without the avatar faces? I'd would want to use that as a basis for the one I'm editing.
Also, you might want to simplify the xml file format or at least provide some sort of guide on how to build proper dialogs. A question, if we're using say, multiple entities (npcs, signs, etc), how would you differentiate from them in order to tell the dialogue system which part of the xml file is for which npc/sign?
Yes you're right, I think I will do some kind of tutorial about writing the XML. Maybe a dialogue editor later if I'm not too lazy.
It's very easy to remove the faces, you just have to omit the avatar_animation attribute in a TextLine. The default animation is transparent. You can also enlarge the text to fit all the box. If you do this you may have to change the position of the Imagepoint "text" of the Box object.
Dialogues are differentiated by their id, for example I can have the two following dialogues:
<Dialogue id='npc1' key_next='32' key_faster='88' key_up='38' key_down='40' first_line_id='0' typing_sound ='typing'>
<TextLine id='0' id_next='end' box_animation='Default' >You can find rupees in the bushes.</TextLine>
<Dialogue id='npc2' key_next='32' key_faster='88' key_up='38' key_down='40' first_line_id='0' typing_sound ='typing'>
<TextLine id='0' id_next='end' box_animation='Default' >The triforce will grant you a wish.</TextLine>
If I want to call the dialogue "npc1" I will call the function dialogue("npc1"), and if I want to call the second one, I will use dialogue("npc2")
Hope I was clear enough