Looks very nice!
I watched the video and noticed some very nice pulse/explosions (radial wave getting bigger over time). May I ask how you created this effect? I tried many effects from WebGL (pulse, warp and so on) but never could make one like yours. Is it an sprite animation/effect combo or just a sprite?
Glass Effect = Sprite with a white circle (128 x 128), with fade behavior (play with wait/fade timer to achieve what you want, ie. more fade time = weakening pulse as it grows, more wait time = no weakening of effect on growth) and onscreen every-tic change its size to grow larger by X pixels (a circle shockwave).
If you want a horizontal pulse, just grow its width more than height, or for vertical pulse, etc.
I wanted to do a shockwave effect after seeing The Next Penelope video, and it just seems easiest and least performance loss to implement it as above.
Luckily Glass WebGL shaders run extremely fast on mobiles. You can have so many of them on screen without a big performance loss. Other shaders absolutely destroy mobile performance.