Basically, the Construct API requirements to allow the Creature plugin to be usable by Construct users are:
- Ability to render a triangulated mesh ( Points, Indices, UVs ) efficiently. Creature excels at high resolution meshes so rendering meshes as degenerate quads is not ideal. Performance is key.
- Ability to access the character asset data ( JSON or binary ) in editor and render its rest pose in the editor session.
Both of those features I do not know how to implement right now in the current Construct SDK/API. Perhaps I am missing something here but some assistance/guidance on what can be done will be fully appreciated.
Btw, in Creature you can now take a 3D mesh, convert it into a 2D animated character and light it in realtime 3D:
There are a ton of super exciting features planned moving into 2018, the goal as you probably already know is to make Creature the most advanced 2D animation tool out there. Most Creature users love it for the ability to easily author complex animated movement: cloth fluttering in the wind, flesh/muscle effects, automated self-walking and more. It will be fantastic if I could bring all this power of the tool onto Construct, just like how it is already available in other game engines ( UE4, Unity, PhaserJS, PixiJS, Godot etc. )