as I already told to
Ashley, I need to set projects settings in C2, etc... directly from plugins, specially from edittime.js (for interaction with plugins properties)....
I know, for the moment, that it's not possible to do it but:
from the edittime.js
is it possible to set the size of the plugin's object, of the instance ? For the moment, I've only found the way to get width and height but no way to set them.
Btw, is it possible to set/get the position of the instance in the layout ?
If it doesn't, I know that you've got an amount of things to do, but please, could you add those needs onto your todolist:
- set/get layout size
- set instance size
- set/get instance position
- set/get window size
and in future, a complete interface to modify/acces of all project settings from the edittime (fullscreen mode, webGL on/off, ...)
It will be REALLY useful.