How do I get instance of an object type in instance function, such as Instance.onCreate? I know there is a type.instances array, but how to sort the particular instance out?
As an example say we wanted to check the Text value of each Text Plugin Object Type Instance. You could use this statement to access the value:
this.type.instances[index].text;[/code:2uk93qx3]If you look at the implementation of the Text Plugin, you'll find in the runtime.js that the Instance.onCreate has a 'text' member variable. If you wanted to look at the "Instance Variables" that you added at Edit Time you could use these statements: [code:2uk93qx3] var instIndex = 0; var varStr = 'text2';//made up instance variable added in the editor var varIndex = -1; var inst = this.type.instances[instIndex]; var instVarNames = inst.instance_var_names; for(var instVarNameIndex in instVarNames) { if(instVarNames[instVarNameIndex] = varStr) { varIndex = instVarNameIndex; } } var instVarValue = inst.instance_vars[varIndex]; [/code:2uk93qx3]
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I'm not sure the question in the OP makes sense. You refer to the created instance with 'this'. If you want to refer to a different instance, then which are you after? You need to explain exactly what you're trying to do in detail.