Since it scales out and get more grafics/objects to be shown at the screen at once I think appear to affect it's performance.
Thats what I'm doing: I'm using sprites and tiled backgrounds objects with 64x64 resolution and I have the option to scale out(0.7) and scale in(1.0).
Since the performance of my game isn't 100%, which is based in physics simulation although it's simple and have nothing more than 27(max) objects in each layout, isn't better invert everything? When I say invert, I mean changing the grafics to 32x32 and then my fully normal scale(1.0) would be equivalent to 0.7 of what I have now and then, to scale in I'd stretch the images.
Summing up:
What I have now - 64x64 resolutions.
Normal Scale - 1.0
Scale in to 1.0
Scale out to 0.7
What I would have- 32x32 resolutions.
Normal Scale - 1.0 (with the appearence of a totally 0.7 zoom out of what I have now)
Scale in to 1.3
Scale out to 1.0
So the question is: will these changes improve the performance of my game on mobiles, or It's a waste of time?