this isn't really a "how do I"...but I am getting some really bizarre collision detection and oddly low-frame rates (I rarely dip below 57 and this capx is making my computer chug.
The sprites are all 128sqr or less. And there are only 11 events.
Can somebody else see just check this out and see if something I am doing is causing the collision twitching??
Try removing "Solid" behaviour from "blocksolid" objects. The Bounce events you have should suffice.
hey aruche, thanks but, the framerate is still between 20 and 30. and the collisions are still bizarre. did you have these results??
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Disable the 11th event and it should run smooth. Find a way to only change the scale of layers when a change is necessary rather than every tick, or do it every 0.1 seconds etc.
Ah, good call Khalan! I'll tweak that def. Interestingly, I noticed that the framerate is perfectly fine on my iPad? I dunno why. But, at any rate I'll still fix that 11th line, couldn't hurt!