Hello guys, please I need assistance. Am working on a multi level game. How do I make the game restart a particular level if a player fails that level and he press a replay botton? (2) How do I male the game go to the next level if a player wins that level and he press a continue botton? I would appreciate any idea .Thanks
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If the levels are on seperate layouts, you can use the "system goto layout"-action
If the levels are on the same layout, having a global variable to hold the level number should work..
Thanks LittleStain I av my levels on different layout and am able to move to those layout when a player wins a level,but when a level is failed I can't make a replay for that level. I already created a layer to display game over with replay botton but its not replaying instead is going to the next level layout. please any idea or a better way?
Wouldn't this work?
on replay button clicked