as an event
score=score + (1000 - round(time))
just typing "time" counts as the game time from start of layout
round stops it from being a decimal.
if your aim is to get to 1000, the more time alive, the larger the score added
score is a global variable
as an event : every (1) second --------- score = score + time
then have a text box somewhere with the event: everytick---------text set text to ""&score
this will make it so on 1 second, 1point is added ----score=1
on 2 seconds, 2 points are added ---- score =1+2 (3)
on 3 seconds, 3 points are added --- score = 3+3 (6) etc
the other thing i typed would add a value thats less every second....
1second score= 999
2seconds score=999+ (998) etc