how to add text style life bar to my game for example- Health:20 in the game which can decrease or increase
Assuming health is a variable the action would be
set text = "Health:"&variable
please explain in some detail you have written just variable
What details would you want?
Are you unclear on what a variable is and/or how to use them?
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ok i have done it but it dose not decreasing or increasing with its own
Have you made events for it to increase or decrease?
yes ofcourse i have made enemies which destroys health
How often is the text object updated?
i have made instance variable of my player of Health and initial value 20 it just remains 20
Does the variable remain 20 or does the text keep showing 20?
Are you by any chance only setting the text on start of layout?
only text keep showing 20
So you have to update the text, right?
Would this work?
system every tick
I would only update the text when needed, but for you I'll take baby-steps.
oh really thanks for that now it working ...thank you..