I'm trying to figure out how to implement an offset to a text with the game in "Scale Out" type.
So, my problem is, I'm unable to think in a new solution and all my tries didn't returned a working model.
What I need is align a text, who follow the touch, when the touch.X is 50 pixel of the left or right of the screen.
With "Scale Out", my code stopped working...
My last tries included make invisible detectors, but their position still the original as when created and the screen stretched on the width side.
So, when the touch is near the left side of the screen, I want give a offset to the following text, so, it'll not cut the text aligned to the touch.
Something like this:
. = touch
| = sides
|.text aligned to the right side |
| text aligned to the left side.|
| .text aligned to the middle|