On frame change and when effect changes how do I sync them so the rest of the server see's it. Anyone got a CapX would be best
Im using the "Adjust HSL" effect and when a player changes the color of there sprite, for some reason it changes every other players sprite to the same color. How would I go about fixing
i.gyazo.com/8ae5021861c8ab6351c6abcdce3a7fda.png (Start)
i.gyazo.com/ac22612eca3f0b179c9f8828c256f3b2.png (Host)
i.gyazo.com/de9a760ba3e4adfe2bb513013f401cc6.png (Peer)
i.gyazo.com/16392eee842a6d272fd10b09ef1e7ca2.png (Full Event Sheet)