How do I Sync monsters on multiplayer?

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75 creature and animal sounds, including real animals and fantasy creatures.
  • Hi, I have trying to sync my monsters on my multiplayer top down shooter. Peers are running around taking damage from monster they they can't see because they exist on the Host. I am not sure how to go about syncing my monsters. My monsters use the Bullet behavior to move.

    Thanks, Moochie

  • As is normal with 'Sync object' simply use the 'Sync' action on the host only, and create/move/destroy objects on the host only, and they will automatically sync on all peers.

  • Cool thanks.

    Another question, when peers connect they see 2 copies of the hosts player, only one moves and the one that doesn't move can't be seen by the host, any ideas why?


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  • Cool thanks.

    Another question, when peers connect they see 2 copies of the hosts player, only one moves and the one that doesn't move can't be seen by the host, any ideas why?


    I speculate that this happen because you did not destroy the default host player on peer side upon joining room as peer. Look at pong example, it shows the simplest way to solve this, for the paddle object.

  • > Cool thanks.


    > Another question, when peers connect they see 2 copies of the hosts player, only one moves and the one that doesn't move can't be seen by the host, any ideas why?


    > Thanks


    I speculate that this happen because you did not destroy the default host player on peer side upon joining room as peer. Look at pong example, it shows the simplest way to solve this, for the paddle object.

    In signaling I do have the Peer Destroy.

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