Hey all,
In some ways, I find the GUI system in Construct 2 extremely taxing - I want to make a simple trigger:
User is touching Button(x),
set value of y to (x)
all the other actions I want
Instead, I'm only finding a way to make 3 separate events,
"If user is touching Button 1, then set value to 1
If user is touching Button 2, then set value to 2
If user is touching Button 3, then set value to 3
Then (separate trigger?!)
User touches Button 1
User touches Button 2
User touches Button 3
All my actions"
Is there anyway we can just... code? If I use Java, can I still export the code into an iOS app? I think we should have a lot more options for the conditions- we should be able to say "Generic sprite selected" and save values to the Dictionary by the name of the sprite, or, at the very least, be able to carry out multiple actions based on the condition of the sprite being interacted with. I looked at Ashley's if then else guide, but it didn't help or work when I tried to implement it.
Thanks a lot!