Say I wanted to have a sprite look like it is rolling down a hill that is angled downwards at a slant of like 45 degrees. How could I make it look like the sprite is constantly rotating/spinning while staying at same exact location throughout whole preview/game while the background is constantly scrolling backwards the whole time giving the impression that the sprite is constantly moving downwards?
you add a spinning behaviour to you "falling/rotating" sprite and then spawn "ground-pieces" in the oposite direction to the supposed movement of your falling object, so if your character is sliding 45 degree downwards to the right, the "ground-pieces" + background(trees maybe) should rise upwards to the left at a 45 degree angle (add to them bullet behaviour and (set angle on spawn to -45). or you can animate a block instead of spawning ground-pieces. If you decide to spawn ground-pieces dont forget to delete the pieces and trees after they go out of the layout...
Hey Donald. Would u mind posting a capx file with an example illustrating this?
i advise you to start simple, with the tutorials, and understand how construct works...
Im curious, lets say you made the game ... how wil you market it ? Do you know any good pages for that or any good ways ?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable. ... .capx?dl=0