[SOLVED] Highlight a single button on cursor over ?

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From the Asset Store
Mouse cursor is something that the player controls and sees all the time, that's why it is so important to make it cool!
  • I got many instances of same object 'Button' which is a sprite object. When i hover the mouse over single button only that one needs to glow.

    I created a 'Mouse Cursor is Over Button' as well as inverted 'X Mouse Cursor is Over Button'. So when it is hovered over a button it's animation gets changed. While the inverted condition is there to change to default animation once it is no more over the button.

    But when i move the cursor really fast over many buttons while making it remain inside one of the buttons, all of the ones i drove the cursor over glows. Since the first condition is not at all broken since the cursor has somehow not left any of the buttons. Only when the mouse has left the button, all of them goes to default animation.

    The problem is that the 'Mouse Cursor is Over Button' condition applies to any of the buttons and not just a single button. I tried giving them instance variables but hovering over any button still seems to give the same result as all of them are still passing the value instead of just one, i think.

    How do i fix this ?

    Example Test : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1WODl0PlDOKdwAsj7VRbVHcwRPYESaqaC


  • I like to reset all the button animations first, then check if mouse is over a button, I pick the top one (in case you have overlapping buttons) and set its animation to hover.

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  • I like to reset all the button animations first, then check if mouse is over a button, I pick the top one (in case you have overlapping buttons) and set its animation to hover.

    Thanks for the solution. It's working now. :)

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