The peer its targetx , targety are not known on the host, nor synched, nor transmitted.
Hence the host never fires the events for peer related movement in event 75.
I would try and add a mouse button clicked (getbit on host's end) to grab the current lookx and looky and set those as targetx and targety. (would prevent synching more variables)
Also, the movement related bit on event 75 is run under a Multiplayer.MyID, that will never fire on the hosts end for other peers, it would need to be in a loop for all peers and host.
thanks for reply
i know they are not synched the problem is, that the host is updating his movement and i can see it move on other peer browser
the peer however doesn't update movement, cause i dident added it to.. sincerely i dont even know how... it does not make any sense at all.. i cant really tell why the events are working for host, even though the event sheet it can act as common, since picks each individual peer or no peer by checking multiplayer.myid that means all players no matter host or peer will have same event sheet based on the commented events lines.
doesn't really matter if i place them into the common group or not, cause the code is separated i can place it even outside the groups it will still have the issue of updating the current and old position of the peer, that seems to be having some problems cause of the testfire events, where there are some local variables that are stored when players start firing ... and updated .... hmm... so in my case i tried remove them, or even adapt them to the click for the movement they still dont acts as they should. any suggestions? the weird part is that the peer does move when you first log as peer and click on a range of 200 pixels, then after he moved and reached the destination, he stops moving, and yes its not updating his position so others can see... i know