How do I share text with the SHARE object?

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From the Asset Store
Change delay, create new lines, "backspace" the text
  • I'm sending a

    SHARE text "I beat the game" (title"", URL "")

    event, but none of the connected platforms (twitter, facebook, etc) give me the text "I beat the game"

    It's only empty text.

    The image.png I'm sharing, using binary data, shares just fine.

    Am I doing something wrong with the text? Does the project have to be published, i.e. not in preview? But then why does the image work?

    Thank you!


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  • any ideas? insights? is it just modern APIs that are broken?

    is it on the C3 side?

  • The social media apis do seem to change frequently so I’d guess the plugins are outdated so don’t work right anymore? I don’t have social media so this is purely speculation and I can’t test. Apart from what the docs, tutorials or examples show I can’t think of that there would be anything non intuitive you’d have to do.

    There could be more updated third party addons to do the sharing. Another option could be to just use those social media apis via js directly.

  • It's up to the receiving app what it does with the shared data. A quick test showed a text-only share worked with WhatsApp and email for me, but not with Twitter. If a particular receiving app doesn't do anything with the share, then it's that app that needs updating - the browser is using the standard system share feature.

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