I don't really like the current lighting system in construct 2, i'm looking forward to make light and shadow like this: [attachment=0:jzfg6xzo][/attachment:jzfg6xzo]
Any help is appreciated :)
You could try to recreate that with some blendmodes and layers, or you could try and build your own system..
First put a "shadowsCaster" behaviors to the character (sprite)
second: Insert a new object "Shadows light", "Shadow Light" opacity to 20, "Shadow Light" light radius to 20.
Ready. Test
link attach.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/cj9t7vzkvnkt0 ... 0test.capx
Hey, nice example! but i wanted something more like a unity's 2d lighting add-on i have.
Thanks in advance!
I'm not quite sure what you are after, exactly.
Something like the attached capx perhaps?
Keep in mind that i'm going to put some backgrounds in my game, not just a colour
i don't even know if what i'm after is possible in C2..
Anything is possible..
I used BlackToAlpha and Gamma for this to work.
I'm sorry i'm a pain in the **** but i can't find the "BlackToAlpha" anywhere in the forums ;\</p>
Unpack this into your Construct 2 effects folder.
Wow! this is pretty much what i wanted, i really didn't think it was possible in Construct 2.
i wish there was a thanks button :D, also sorry for the late reply.
No problem. Good luck!
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
good morning,
did someone have have the
BlackToAlpha plugin that can share again,
Here you go Carlos https://uploadfiles.io/jos1p
thanks man!!
I can't download the file because it requires a premium account, would you be so kind as to reupload it somewhere else?