Hello all, I need some help with the iOS advertising side of my game... How do I setup admob for iOS? Is it the exact same as the Android process? If not, what's the difference... What do I do that's different?
Bump. Please, I really need some help with this...
it is if you using the cordova export to the XDK
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Alright, I'm am (sweet)... thanks again for the help — Are there any sound issues I should be aware of when exporting for iOS (I'm using m4a files)?
i personally haven't had any
Alright, thanks — one more thing (sorry man). What about these areas of the Build Setting section? Like, if I wanted to make it compatibale with iphone 4 and up, how do I do that? Also the other areas... do I just leave them blank?
to make it iphone 4 compatible you just have to make sure the Target version is low enough to run. nothing here needs to be messed with accept for the Provisioning file it required(get adhoc if testing on devices production for final) you get them through itunes connect
Sorry, — I'm a little confused, how exactly do I get the Adhoc Provisioning file through iTunes (or does it install (get) it automatically)? This is the first time I've used iTunes;(
itunes connect is what apple part of their dev center. So what i meant is you have to become a Apple dev. https://developer.apple.com/
if you google provisioning profiles ios you can learn more
I already did. Is the Adhoc Provisioning file, the same as the certificate signing request (CSR) file?
no they are not the same at all. here is how to get a one http://www.html5dev-software.intel.com/ ... inCert.pdf