How to set the text position to scale with layout center?

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From the Asset Store
Animated Text
$3.99 USD
With AnimatedText behavior you can make an impression of the text being “typed live”.
  • Ay bois, so, i have an score text, that, he's at the center of the layout, but, everytime the score get a value, the text will only scale to the right, i want it to scale with the center like in the video below at the right time.


    (Obs: if possible to tell me how to make the text effect in the video when the score update, i would be thankfull too!)

    If you know how to do it, tell me pls!


  • Set hotspot position in the center. For that text effect, use spritefont with Sine or LiteTween behavior.

  • Set hotspot position in the center. For that text effect, use spritefont with Sine or LiteTween behavior.

    Dop, oh my god bro, you always are my hero XD, thanks for saving me again!

  • Set hotspot position in the center. For that text effect, use spritefont with Sine or LiteTween behavior.

    And, sorry for asking u, but, you can see too my other thread about text? I really need help in that too :p

  • Set hotspot position in the center. For that text effect, use spritefont with Sine or LiteTween behavior.

    Hey bro, can you help me with hotspot? I tried using it on center, but, i didn't notice any difference, i don't know how to setup it, can you help me with an example or an example capx?

  • Bro, just set horizontal alignment=center, vertical alignment=center, Hotspot=center.

    If this is not what you meant and the problem is with something else, you need to give more details and post your project file.

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  • Bro, just set horizontal alignment=center, vertical alignment=center, Hotspot=center.

    If this is not what you meant and the problem is with something else, you need to give more details and post your project file.

    Oh, thanks bro, i forgot to add the vertical, it works now! And, please bro, you can see my another thread about text? Is, text to value, and, i can't figure it out how to do it.

  • Bro, just set horizontal alignment=center, vertical alignment=center, Hotspot=center.

    If this is not what you meant and the problem is with something else, you need to give more details and post your project file.

    Another question about the effect, how i can do it with the LiteTween?

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