Hello all, I am trying to create a touch game in which touching/clicking on various open job location sprites will assign a worker to that location. The job sprite instances have a boolean instance variable called Occupied. When the player clicks on an Un-Occupied job, it will become Occupied and change animation frames to show that the empty space is now occupied. The player only has 4 workers to use to assign to any of the 6 jobs, so I have a Global variable called JobsAssigned which keeps track of the number of workers assigned and that updates the WorkerCounter sprite to show the player how many workers he still has available.
I have this part working but I also want the player to be able to unassign a worker from a job and have the WorkerCounter and JobsAssigned update as expected.
I have tried this a bunch of ways and I think I may not fully understand how the touch object works or how sub-events resolve themselves. And yes, I have read the manual entries. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> Please help!
The .capx is attached but you can also download it here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/636 ... eeded.capx
Thanks for any guidance or corrected .capx you can provide.