The code I have looks something like:
Array row : [uid1, uid2, uid3, int]
Each of these rows with this data arrangement is set up when a laser line hits a "target". The three uids of the objects involved are stored (firer, laser, target), but the thing I'm really looking to do is compare the int at the end of the array.
Say I have an array data setup loaded like this with three rows.
[101, 201, 301, 500]
[101, 201, 302, 750]
[101, 201, 303, 1000]
In this setup I have the same firer for all three rows, the same laser beam, but three different targets at three different distances.
How can I search across the array to find the minimum distance in the fourth Y value, in a way that doesn't require knowledge of the number of rows I am searching across?