I've just figured out a way to make it work - thank you though!
I'll explain it here for anyone else who has the same problem :))
For this, I put in a solid-coloured sprite and named it Camera, and then shrunk it down, and it went on top of my player.
This sprite was also given the "Pin" and "ScrollTo" behaviours, and I made it initially invisible.
Bear in mind, the camera doesn't scroll to the desired point, it just flicks to it - though I'm fairly sure the code just needs a little adding to make that work.
So, for the System: Onstart of layout, I put this:::
And then, just after a conversation has ending, it triggered the camera moving away from the player:::
And to move it back to the player:::
I hope this has helped anyone wanting the desired result, and thank you
alextro for willing to help, I appreciate it :))