Thank you so much!
I fiddled with your code a bit, and I wonder how I could make it so it starts at its normal scale at 1 at the farthest right of the slider, and you can only downsize it and bring it up to its normal size again.
Hope you understand what I mean.
Set the Slider property 'Value' = 100 (i.e. far right maximum)
Then SliderBar OnChanged - Set sprite.scale = SliderBar.Value/100
If you want to do away with the '/100' part of the 'SliderBar.Value/100'
Then you can just set the initial SliderBar proprties to:
Value =1
Minimum = 0
Maximum = 1
Step = 0.1 (or 0.01 etc for the number of steps between Min and Max you want)
Then you would just need
SliderBar OnChanged - Set sprite.scale = SliderBar.Value