pls tell me how do i save global variables & instance variables
and what are the steps for saving variables
Use LocalStorage or Save function built into C2. The Save function will save the state all of global variables.
The official tutorial on LocalStorage (accessed in C2 via help under LocalStorage) is straight forward.
dear friends
here is my capx ... .capx?dl=0
pl tell me what m doing wrong in this file
pls correct this and tell me my mistake
here is screenshot ... e.jpg?dl=0
this is my file link
what m doing wrong here
Does this help?
Save Variables Improved
Why create a new topic with exactly the same question?
Or would you like the same answer twice?
Does this help? Save Variables Improved
Yes this helps me
i got the point for saving variables
thanks dear
but here my point system is different
remaining bullets will added to points
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actually No!
when i post first time then i did not get any response then i thought that this post may gone down of all others post
may be no one can will find this old post so i post it again
A single topic is far better than two.
You are allowed to bump a topic after 24 hours if it gets drowned.
But posting multiple topics just add more noise to the forums.
Now i have got the point
How to save global variables .. Thanks to LittleStain
pls tell me if same steps are applied to save instance variable