#CBelle need to know how to post cap x!!!! the only advice i can find is to ask a moderator... and no link
#Sandvich 725 I tested this out, guessing you are using the rts example, my first advice is add a keyboard object, and have:
T is down, right mouse button clicked, cursor is over "enemybase/blue" event
(ok not fully tested, but the right click function is already taken, and can mess with the example code for moving so on other right click events, u may have to add an additional inverted(T is down)...mostly as it has a new move to function)
create a new sprite, like a targeting sprite, with pin behavior.
on click (Tis down etc) spawn targeting sprite to object enemybase/blue
"targeting" on created pin to enemy base
then add friendly base turret acquire target "targeting"
make sure the "targeting sprite is destroyed when the tank is, else the friendly turrets seem to just pick the spot the "targeting" sprite remains at
hope this helps, again, how do i upload cap x!!!! I'd bother to test everything if i didn't have to re write code in text