RayKi &
Sorry before for being unclear with my post. I'll try now to make it clearer.
Due to the game that I make is about restaurant, I have an object of frying pan that animated for few seconds (animation initial state of this object is disabled).
At start of layout, I want to make the frying pan to animate first, then after animation finished or stop to animate, it spawns another object as results (this is like when you cook for few minutes, it will result the dish).
Then, if I click again in the frying pan object, it will animated again, and repeat resulting another object as result (or you could say the dish).
That's what I want to repeat all over again.
I hope that it would make it clear to you, guys.
I have try the condition in my first post but it didn't work at all.I have no idea what's going on or what's wrong with mine. It was killing me, guys.
Hope that you could help me a bit and lifting my burden.