Hello, I am currently making a top-down shooter game (planning to be in multiplayer). In this game, there are 4 weapons, 2 classes (Assault and Heavy), and 2 teams (Light and Dark). I made a loadout menu that let you choose bewteen all those parameters (class, team, weapon). The problem is that it makes too much conditions at time (give you an example below):
Every tick
If Weapon=1 => Set Weapon1 angle to Mouse.X, Mouse.Y
If Team="Light"
If Class=1 => Set Weapon1 position to Light_Assault__Soldier
If Class=2 => Set Weapon1 position to Ligh_Heavy_Soldier
If Team="Dark"
If Class=1 => Set Weapon1 position to Dark_Assault_Soldier
If Class=2 => Set Weapon1 position to Dark_Heavy_Soldier
And it goes for If Weapon=1,2,3,4... Moreover, I'm planning to mirror the soldier if the Mouse.X<Soldier.X
How do I regroup soldiers into 1 thing and weapons into another thing so that I don't have to write thousands of lines of codes?