Access-Control-Allow-Origin is a response header, it's the server that allows it or not. You can't as a mere client tell the server to allow for cross-domain request, that would entirely defeats the purpose of cross-domain policy.
The only solution is to have access to server configuration, and add that custom header there.
When the answer hits you like a baseball bat to the head and you're just like: "Derp! Dummy self! You should have known that! wth were you thinking!!!"
Let me clarify what was going on...
We have a new house with a newer garage(Server). Got a cool car(Client/ C2Game).
The garage has a cool lock that can detect only your car and let it long as you set it up.
We were trying to set the code for the the car itself and bash it into the garage door, wondering why it wont open. Lovely.
I think it's in part of the feeble description that's confusing to noobs.