Hi, still trying to find a fix to the first problem... But while doing so I have found two new problems with my game. The first new problem is that none of the new instances of my sprites retain their path-blocking value when spawned, even though according to my very first event they should all block paths. I'm confused on this very much. Is it a problem with the plugin or my event logic?
For the 2nd new problem I made this event to spawn new instances of the colored cubes at random slots on my board:
Condition1: On any click:
Condition2: System, Pick a random "Tiles" instance:
-Action: System, create object "Family1" on Layer 1 at (Tiles.X, Tiles.Y)
This event does indeed spawn a random colored cube at a random slot but sometimes they spawn on top of each other! Is there a simple way to fix this?
My previous post didn't seem to get any replies, probably because no one could visualize what my events and problems were, sorry for that. So I made a cleaned up version of my test game for you to download. It's just basic but hopefully some of you C2 Vets could help me with my 3 above mentioned problems. Thanks again for your time and help, here is my .capx https://www.dropbox.com/s/rn5fe65d3jhdksn/PathfindingTest1.1.capx
And the Astar pathfinding plugin/Behavior that I used is here https://www.dropbox.com/s/bi08pg8eyjpozqw/astar_all_1.0.zip
Have a look and thanks a bunch!